We tokenize music royalties and you can earn rewards and dividends

Tokenization is a financial technique by which non-separable financial instruments (such as real estate mortgages and, in our case, music rights) are transformed into divisible and transferable instruments. This technique is also perfectly suitable for music rights as they generate royalties and part of them are transferable. Our protocol transforms the right to perceive royalty, splits it and incorporates it into Equity Financial Instruments (SFP) incorporated in NFTs that you can receive in exchange of a minimum amount of Slenos Mu$ic Token.

Please see the chapter “Rights and obligations attached to crypto-assets (cont’d)” in the White Paper for information about the conversion rates.

Tokenization as a translation of the securitisation of traditional finance into decentralized finance

The Super Private Sale of Slenos Mu$ic Tokens will start in:


Book your seat at Super Private Sale:


    We offer 831,461,538 tokens. Scoll down for how and when to buy them.

    The token offer is scheduled in four phases

    1. Super Private Sale

    Total offer: 37,500,000 tokens

    Price: USDT 0.008 each

    No token amount limits per purchase

    Lockup: 6 months

    No vesting

    If the financing round is not successful in total, the funds will be refunded

    2. Private Sale

    Total offer: 75,000,000 tokens

    Price: USDT 0.01 each

    The token amount limits per purchase will be USDT 25,000

    Lockup: 3 months

    No vesting

    If the financing round is not successful in total, the funds will be refunded

    3. Presale

    Total offer: 162,500,000 tokens

    The token will be publicly offered for the price of USDT 0.012

    Lockup: 2 days

    No vesting

    4. Public sale

    Total offer: 538,461,538 tokens

    The token will be publicly offered for the price of USDT 0.013

    No lockup

    No vesting


    The softcap is fixed at 399,000,000 tokens. If this goal is not reached, the funds will be refunded.

    Super Private Sale will start in


    Book your seat at the Super Private Sale: